Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sometimes...There Are No Pictures

In the greatest silence, devoid of pictures and paintings, of depictions and beauty and aesthetics, sometimes words will have to fill the story instead. Therefore, there may be a lack of imagery, but I certainly hope that the words I weave together create a thousand (and perhaps more) images in your head.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Unused Sketches

The Unused Sketches

The unused sketches are patient drawings, eagerly awaiting the day they will be completed. Though in reality, they know they will be unused sketches until the end. Occasionally they daydream of being whole one day, but perhaps they muse, they were already completed, but on a separate sheet of paper. 

They long to meet what their possibly completed drawings are like.

Still, they are grateful, for the unused sketch is still a sketch, and thereby exists through complicated methods.

So they sit patiently in a cabinet of other unused drawings, hoping that one day, they will be remembered.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Friends Until the End of All Existences

Friends Until the End of All Existences

Thank you for being my friend.

For painting me pictures of worlds unexplored.

And I know that one day, we will part.

But always and forever, our bond will be in my heart.


Hello my peculiar strange's, this blog will resume its stories and wonders. shall be slow, for I am participating in the July NaNoWriMo, and only a few pictures have appeared before me. As such, I will attempt to ensure that you all savor the tiny words I have to offer.

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Small Notice, Barely Audible


To any Bijou Whisperers out there, this blog will go on a hiatus. 

Until the pictures have started showing once more.

Farewell, for now.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014



Tears streaked down her face, but they weren't sorrowful. She stared at the one they deemed a monster with a smile on her face, his expression returning a gentle one. Before she could choke out how much she missed him, he complimented on how beautiful she looked with tears on her face, which earned him a peck on the cheek.

They spent of the rest of the day under the glow of an autumn tree, telling each other about the events both had missed from each other's lives, and the events that they both wanted to do together: a missed birthday, the Wedding of Birds (they both loved that holiday). Everything, suspended in time under that autumn tree, was perfect.

She talked about how the world was still on a hunt for him, and with a carefree tone he responded that he didn't care. She suggested that they both run away, and he replied that he would ponder the idea, even though they both knew that he was lying. But it was nice to dream.

The wind calmly played with the autumn leaves, and as twilight began to fall, she rested her head on his lap. Closing her eyes, she hoped that the day would last forever. So did he.

The forest gleamed with silence, and not even the chirping of the birds could capture the moment between her and the one they called a monster. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Faded Face

Faded Face

It was a dreary and light-hearted rainy night. The melancholy man stood below the awning of the newly refurbished Tom's Diner, breathing quietly as he awaited a taxi. The dim lighting advertised 50% off in sandwiches and chips.

He could faintly remember an artist who once sang about Tom's Diner. There were many "do's" in that song. Unsurprisingly, as he remembered, it was titled Tom's Diner. 

A car sped past by, almost-but-not-quite splashing his lower half. He breathed a deep sigh.

Perhaps, one day, he would become like the quiet rain too.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Saw Him Once, in a Dream

I Saw Him Once, in a Dream

I always did sympathize with the bad guys in fairy tales when I was young. The troubles they experienced to destroy the hero, to make their own dreams come true. What I never did understand was why the villains did what they had to do. Did there always have to be an antagonist?

I doubt it. I'm sure the Evil Queen had to give the apple for some other reason than jealously.

My favorite antagonist is the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. A simple wolf, waiting for prey, hoping to feed his family that was never mentioned in the story. They say that he never did devour the grandma or Little Red Riding Hood. He was simply after her desserts, since his pups wanted cake and cookies.

But they misunderstood his intentions...

I saw him once, in a dream. It was there that I was able to give him sweets of all kinds.

I hope to see him again.